Friday, June 29, 2012

So.....It's been a loooooooooooooooooooooong time

Okay so I haven’t blogged in …. well, since the start of pilot training. Sorry about that, guess there’s a lot to catch you up on. So…. let’s start right at the heart of the blog…UPT. Truthfully, there is no comparison I can make to try and relate how much of a rollercoaster it is. One day you could be on top of the world and then next you could be like that commercial of the guy waking up in a ditch. I love it, I hate it, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
I guess looking back on it, the reason I really haven’t been writing blogs about UPT is that 1) I haven’t really had time because I am, or should be studying. 2) I’m having a really bad day/week and don’t want to smash the dreams of others by dissing the program. Or 3) I’m just so tired from the week that I rather sleep and try to prep for the coming week so I won’t be as worn out the next week…. Those are the main reason why I haven’t been writing. However, since the end of phase two is drawing near and I feel more like a big kid in the program and not like a two year old trying to fly a plane, guess it’s time to write....
Here is an update that I did for the Leroy Homer Jr. Foundation about "A Day in the Life..." of a student in UPT.  It pretty much covers the basics of the past 6 months that I’ve been in pilot training. is the website its found on, or you can just keep reading.

As a student in Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT) no one day is ever like the next. Sure, the variables remain the same: flights, simulators (sims), academics, stand-up and formal briefs; but there is always something new, something different and exciting to add to the mix.
Starting out there are three phases to UPT. The first phase is purely academics and last about a month and a half. During this time we are introduced to a majority of aspects of the T-6A Texan 2, from systems, to aerodynamics, to the basics in instrument and navigation. From there we hit the flightline for phase two, which places us in flights in a squadron and involves all the flight training we do in the T-6. Phase two last about four months and concludes with a tract select, in which you track either T-1s preparing you to fly heavy aircraft such as tankers or transports, T-38s which prepare you for the world of fighters, or helicopters. T-1s, T-38s and helicopters are phase three and last the remaining 6 months of our pilot training experience.
Being in phase two, our days usually begin with a formal brief that covers everything from the current weather and runways, to a brief emergency procedure of the day. As the students, we run the majority of the morning brief, however our instructor pilots (IPs) oversee it and love to ask us questions, especially about typos on our PowerPoint and flub-ups in reading the METAR and TAF -information on weather. During the first 15 days on the flightline, these formal briefs were the most dreaded part of our day and could last up to an hour due to the tedious process of memorizing checklist and procedures and having to recite them word for word. Now that we’ve been on the flightline for a few months, these briefs are just as they’re meant to be… brief.
After formal brief, we break up and prepare individually for our flights and sims for the day. Our simulators are instructed by government contracted retired Air Force pilots, whom fondly remind me of what it would have been like to be taught how to fly by my grandfather. One thing is for sure: when you’re flying with a sim IP, you are bound to hear some great stories that mainly start with the phrases “So there I was…” or “Back in my day…” In total we log about 38 hours in the simulator while flying the T-6. Today I completed my formation simulator and have just my low-level simulator left before I am sim complete for the T-6!
Our actual flights in the T-6 are a whole other beast to tackle. Flights usually last 1.3 to 1.5 hours and take many more hours than that to properly prepare for them. We usually meet up to brief with our flight IPs an hour prior to takeoff. In our brief, we go over the profile that we are flying and any special syllabus items that need to be covered as well as anything that may affect the flight for that day, such as winds, weather, NOTAMs (notice to airmen), etc. You name it, we brief it. A half hour prior to our takeoff time we move to the stepdesk where we are assigned a tail number for the flight and briefed on any important happenings going on in the squadron or in the air that may affect us. Then we continue on to life support where we put on our G-suit, harness and test our helmets before we step to our jet. When we get to our assigned plane, we go over the books and do a preflight inspection of the plane, if everything is good to go, we both strap-in and start running the before take-off checklists. For a beginning student, these checklist could take up to a half hour to run from start to take-off, however the more familiar you become with the jet, the faster things go and with the weather starting to really warm-up, its best to keep your IP happy with fast checklist to get the plane’s AC up and running.
The flights themselves are always challenging and if you adequately prepared, they can be a lot of fun too! My most memorable flights have been my initial solo in the T-6, and my two area solos, where I got to take the plane out by myself and preform aerobatics until I couldn’t see straight. It was amazing! Going cross-country was also a great confidence builder and was the point where instruments really clicked for most of my class. The last block of rides in phase two are formation rides, which act like a capstone to the program. My formation dollar ride (first ride) is tomorrow and I’m so excited. I haven’t decided if I want to go fighters or heavies yet and I hear that formation is usually the deciding factor for most people.
With the end of phase two drawing near, our UPT class also faces a lot of changes, besides the obvious of switching to a new aircraft. Our UPT base is joint and we have Internationals, Navy and Marine officers in our class. Our Navy and Marine officers only stay up through the end of phase two and then do the remainder of their training with their own service. Our whole class is very close and it has been a great experience sharing these exciting and challenging times with our water loving brothers and sisters. However, I know in the end of the day, we’ll all be up flying in the same skies and will sure to cross paths again. So far UPT has been a ton of work; there have been good days and not so great of days, but I feel truly blessed to be given the opportunity to both serve my country while following my dream.
Okay so hopefully I can keep this updating thing up.  Maybe if people actually read this I might ;)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

UPT Week 1

And so it begins!
Here's your "first day of school" picture Mom!

Well, it actually began two weeks ago when our class had its first official meeting at none other than the Flight Doc’s office. We were poked, hearing tested, eye tested, foot printed and then sent on our way with a bag full of sleeping pills.  The pills are known as ground trials, which we were instructed to test now, before we hit the flight line, so we know what works and what doesn’t for future use.  In all I can tell you I slept more that following weekend than I have in a while thanks to the Air Force!
My class is a diverse bunch of awesome individuals.  Most of us are Air Force with at least 10 being USAFA grads. However, we also have 4 Navy guys & 2 Marines, with at least 3 of them being from the Naval Academy, 2 exchange students from Saudi Arabia, 2 Guard pilots and we range anywhere from Lts to Capt in rank. In total we have 26 people, 3 of which are female. As I said before, we’re a diverse bunch.
Our first official day of pilot training was Wednesday the 25th; however we actually began on Monday (day -1) with death by PowerPoint. It was a typical day of meet and greet briefings with all the base leadership as well as a layout of expectations. Day 0 was supposed to be a similar day, however the Air Force’s AETC commander decided to have a down day in response to the increase in suicides; so we had “Resiliency Day,” which was pretty much another day of briefings and PowerPoint, just about a subject other than UPT. Day 1 took on all the things that were supposed to get accomplished on Day 0, such as pictures in Service Dress for our commanders, more briefings, publications issue and page counts. However, since it was the official start day of training we got to begin our day with a PT test. By the end of the day we had worn 3 different uniforms and were all exhausted! 
Time to hit the books!
 By far the coolest thing about beginning pilot training was getting my helmet, mask, G suit and harness.  I grew up trying on my Dad’s helmet and it’s so cool to now have one of my own! Since the helmet is fitted specifically to our heads we get to keep it, no matter what airplane we end up flying. That’s an awesome souvenir! However, we did get briefed that we’re not allowed to paint or sticker our helmets, so I guess I’ll have to wait to put lightning bolts down the sides until after I graduate =)

We’re currently in the Aerospace Physiology block and have already had our first 2 test in it.  We’ll continue with Aerospace Phys through this week, ending it with a flight in the altitude chamber.  We also had our Fighter Aircrew Conditioning Test (FACT) on Friday which is a test mainly made up of weightlifting different percentages of our body weight.  For men it’s not too difficult; however all the girls had been warned to train for it because you have to pass it if you want to fly fighters. Well after training and a ton of protein shakes, I put that test behind me when I scored in the outstanding category. It was a great way to start the weekend and was a weight lifted off my shoulders… get it?
Last week was very busy and emotionally stressful, and truthfully I don’t think it has set in that I actually have started UPT yet.  I know that there will be good days and bad day, heck I’ve already had them in just this past week.  But I have faith that God will lead me through this journey and use me as an instrument in his plan.  I’m so thankful for all the support that friends and family have provide me with; it truthfully is an amazing blessing to know that there are people out there who are watching and care. The person that I have to thank the most though is my husband. Without Greg I don’t think I could get through this next year.  He already has been an amazing partner and supporter to me and I’m so thankful for him.  
The flowers that I came home to, that my mom and Greg bought for me on my first official day of UPT.  I am truly blessed!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

18 Days and Counting

UPT starts in 18 days and it’s about time! Over the last month I have done a lot of soul searching. I took a trip home to California and a trip to Denver with Greg for Christmas and I realized how truly blessed I am. In the past I have often got caught up in the little meaningless things in life, like what he said or she said or what people think.  I realized that that is no way to live and that I have bigger things than that to concentrate on in life. Soon as this realization set in I was able to get a much clearer view of what I wanted in life.  I’m excited to start UPT because it’s what I’ve been dreaming of doing since I was little. I love flying and I know that I’m supposed to be a pilot, but I feel that God has more than just that in his plans for me.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. - Jeremiah 29:11-13
Fighter, heavy aircraft or FAIP (first assignment instructor pilot), it’s up to the Lord.  My goal is to do well enough in UPT that when the time comes to decide, that I am able to make the decision and that it isn’t made for me. I am beginning to see that all have their pros. Fighter, well no need to state the obvious. Heavy, I would hope to head back to Cali and be stationed at Travis or shoot for C-21s and fly the bigwigs around in their private jets. And FAIP, I could do what I love to do, teach others how to fly once again (just this time I get to do it in a plane that actually has an engine).  
I have so many great opportunities ahead of me and the next year of my life will put me in the exact spot that I am supposed to be.  All I have to do is do my best.  Sounds cliché but I realize that it’s that easy!  
In other news, here’s a little catch-up on life.  I burned most of my leave in December and headed out to California to see my family and friends before the holidays.  It was good to be home, I got to spend time with a lot of people that I have been missing a lot; but I was also solo on this trip, so I missed Greg and Tazer a lot too.  Greg’s sister Amy flew out to Oklahoma while I flew to Cali. She stayed a few days and then made the drive back to Denver with Greg and Tazer.  Tazer did NOT like the drive; he got sick and shook for most of the 10 hour drive.  I flew out to Denver on the 24th to spend Christmas with Greg’s family.  It was an eventful first Christmas as a married couple.  We woke up to Tazer throwing up that morning, and then Greg got sick later on in the day.  Poor guys, but overall it was a really nice Christmas and we enjoyed being there a lot. Greg and I drove back to Oklahoma on the 2nd (Tazer did better but still hated the drive) and started back into our usual routines.  I have the last day of my causal job at the HAWC this week and we have a last minute visitor flying out on Monday to spend the next week here with us… My best friend NICOLE! I’m so excited! I guess we couldn’t get enough of each other when I was home.  It’s perfect because this will be the last bit of free time I’ll have for the next year.  She’s also the person that I can always count on being there when I need to just have a good laugh and get my mind straight for the next big thing in life.  Greg should also be starting the Oklahoma Police Academy sometime this next month so it’s going to be a busy month for the both of us!  I’ll start posting more regularly now that life’s about to start speeding up and getting interesting.  Happy New Year!  

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Life is what we make it

Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be.

During my 3 degree year one of my mentors at the Academy taught me an important fact of life…shit happens.  And you know what, he was right.  You can’t change the past.  You can wish is went a different way, you can sit and dwell upon it, but in the end, it happened the way it happened, and you made the decisions that you made, as bad or as good as they were. 
This past year I made a lot of really great decisions but along with the good, I sure made some bad ones.  I caused a lot of stress in life, I hurt some people that mean the world to me, and I made some pretty life altering decisions for not only myself but for other people as well.  I discovered the strength of some friendships, and lost others and learned a hell of a lot from it all. I’m very sorry to those I hurt and I wish I could take any pain or stress I may have caused away. I’m also very thankful for those whom have been there all the way through, you mean the world to me.
You often read stories about people who faced diversity in life and made the right decisions when pushed to the limit.  Well, have you ever read about people who when faced with tough decisions makes the wrong choice? Probably not! I feel that there is a reason for this.  If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. I’m a firm believer that everything happens in life for a reason.  And as I look back at my worst decisions in life they have actually turned out to be my best.
We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day. Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. Our attitude is everything. The past shapes our future, but our attitude is the deciding factor in how our future will turn out to be.  So as I look back on this year, I have faith that all those regrets I hold right now will actually turn out to be into praises in the future.
I realize this year that I also have strayed away from God.  That’s something that I know is the cause of a lot of the things I regret from this year.  However, You can at any time decide to alter the course of your life; no one can take that away. I feel so blessed that God sent his son to purify us from our sins. I know that I have sinned but that I am saved purely because of Jesus. And though many at this moment choose to scorn or judge me, or my choices, or my marriage, or my career, or my life based on some of the bad decisions that I have made in the past so, He That Is Without Sin Among You, Let Him First Cast a Stone.  I realized I’m so worn down from trying to please everyone, and caring about what other people think of me and my life.  That’s not me. That’s not who I want to be and it’s taken me a very long time to figure that out. 
Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. – Proverbs 16:3
2011 was life changing and left me with a new life and new adventures to begin.  I am thankful for what God has given me, both good and bad, because of what I have learned from it all. I know that this next year will come with many changes that simplify my life and hopefully put me on a path that best serves the Lord.  
Love absolutely everything that ever happens in your life.
-Paul Cantalupo

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Bucket List

Well I’ve been thinking and we all have bucket list, whether we write them out or not. One for what you want to do this year, or one for what you want to accomplish during your career or even places you want to go. But I keep hearing that if you make a goal public and have people to hold you accountable, you are much more likely to accomplish your goals.  Well these are things that I plan on accomplishing, so this is how I plan to hold myself accountable.   For as long as I live I expect this list to be a work in progress, but it will always give me something to strive for.  Now, without further adieu:
1.   Visit the following “Wonders of the World”
        Great Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx
Great Wall of China
Old City of Jerusalem
Chichen Itza and the Mayan ruins
Iguazu Falls
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Taj Mahal
The Acropolis
Christ the Redeemer
Easter Island Statues
Machu Picchu
Eiffel Tower
Mount Everest
2.   See the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights
3.   Hike in the Grand Canyon
4.   Take Road Trip across the US
5.   Visit the Holocaust Museum
6.   Explore the Caribbean on a Katamaran or Yacht
7.   Visit Auschwitz Concentration Camp
8.   Visit the Hague
9.   Camp on a west coast beach with a beach bonfire
10.   Go to Denmark
-Extreme Adventure Sports-
11.   Surf in Hawaii (July 2011 Oahu)
12.   Go Kayaking in 5 amazing locations
13. Go Ultra Gliding in a super scenic area
14. Go Windsurfing
15. Go Paragliding
-Unique Experiences IN THE AIR-
16.   Preform in an Airshow
17.   Fly a Glider in the Swiss Alps
18.   Fly a Glider in Hawaii
19.   Experience going Mach 1 (July 2008 Edwards AFB CA)
20.   Cloud Chase in a fighter (July 2010 Shaw AFB SC)
21.   Experience going Mach 2
22.   Preform a Barrel Roll in a Fighter (July 2008 Edwards AFB CA)
23.   Experience Nine Gs and not blackout (July 2008 Edwards AFB CA)
24.   Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
25. Ride in a Helicopter
26.   Skydive from a Hot Air Balloon
27.   Experience a ZERO G Flight
28.   Fly a Private Jet
29.   Be a Thunderbird Pilot
-Unique Travel Experiences -
30.   Jump from the cliff rocks
31.   Experience Mardi Gras in New Orleans
32.   Ride 5 of the biggest & fastest roller coasters in the USA
33.   Go a Winter and a Summer Olympic Games
34.   Experience Oktoberfest in Germany
35.   Experience Time Square in New York for New Years
36.   Go on a Cruise in the Mediterranean
37.   Go Dog Sledding        
38.   Swim with Dolphins
39.   Swim with Great White Sharks
40.   Go sailing on a massive sailing boat
-Unique Experiences -
41.   Set a Guinness Book of World Records in ‘something” (Largest Dodge ball Game May 2011 USAFA CO)
42.   Be in a movie
43.   Be in a commercial
44.   Whiteness a Hole in One in “real” Golfing
45.   Go Zip Lining
46.   Budgie Jump
47.   Race a Sports Car on a Track
48.   Marry the Man of my Dreams (June 2011 Carmel CA)
49.   Raise Wonderful Children with that Man
50.   Celebrate a 50 year Wedding Anniversary
51.   Experience My Perfect Day
52.   Witness Something Truly Amazing Like I’ve Never Seen Before
53.   Achieve the Rank of General
54.   Invent Something Useful & Cool that people will use
55.   Preform a Miracle
56.   Save a Life
57.   Stay up for 48 hours straight
58.   Live near the Ocean
59.   Own a Business
60.   Write a Book and get it Published
61.   Have “something” named after Me
62.   Make a Difference in thousands of people’s lives
63.   Do something in Memory of my Father
64.   Do something in Memory of my Cousin
-Hobbies & Learning Projects-
65.   Learn how to Slalom Water Ski and how to make a Roster Tail
66.   Learn how to Kiteboard (June/July 2011 SF Bay)
67.   Learn how to Surf like a Local
68.   Learn how to do a flip and few tricks on my wakeboard
69.   Learn how to do a few tricks on my snowboard
70.   Learn how to do a handstand and then do one!
71.   Learn how to do a cartwheel
72.   Take up Kiteboarding as a hobby and board regularly
73.   Learn how to Golf well and hold my own on a major golf course
74.   Learn how to indoor rock climb well and join a club
75.   Get Sky Dive Certified
76.   Get my Private Gliders License
77.   Get really good at crud
78.   Finish my Grandma’s Doll House
79.   Learn the origins of my family tree and history of my family
80.   Learn that grass is not always greener on the other side
81.   Learn to Release feelings of Inadequacy
82.   Learn to act within my sphere of influence and stop worrying about things which are not within my control
83.   Learn to Maintain a Positive Attitude
84.   Discover my life's purpose
85.   Read the Bible Cover to Cover
86.   Grow and maintain my relationship with God
-Health & Fitness-
87.   Get a 6 pack and keep a 6 pack or flat stomach for life
88.   Stay Fit for Life
89.   Run a 5 k race in 25 minutes or less
90.   Run a 10 k race in 50 minutes or less
91.   Run a Half Marathon
92.   Run a Marathon
93.   Complete a Triathlon
94.   Run across the Golden Gate
95.   Go for a run in downtown San Francisco
96.   Do 11 Pull Ups (not chin-ups) in one set
-Money & Contributions-
97.   Give away over 25% of what I earn in one year to charities
98.   Retire with over a Million in savings
99.   Hand out a $20 bill to people that look like it could make a difference in their day
100.  Start a Scholarship Fund