My Mom got on me about not doing an update in a awhile so here it is!
IFS is FLYING by (haha get it?). We just completed our third week (second week of flying) and it looks like next week will be my last week. We started out the first flying week with 0720 morning briefs, that got pushed forward to 0610 last week and next week we have 0500 morning briefs… it’s going to be a long week. However, we have Monday off as a holiday for Columbus Day so that leaves one less day to wake up in the 0400 hour. As of right now the schedule is to solo on Tuesday, Pre-check Wednesday, Check Thursday and head out of CO Friday morning!
I’ve had a total blast at IFS. I’m not going to lie, I probably should have buckled down a little bit more than I did, but as one of my good friends told me when I got to IFS, it’s all about passing, and this is the last time that I won’t be competing in the flying community so I better enjoy that and not stress myself out too much. And I don’t mean to be boastful, but I took that to heart since I haven’t really stressed that much since I’ve been here and I’ve been usually preforming at an above average level on all my flights.
I’ve also met some AWESOME people while I’ve been here. The first is my instructor, Mr. (Lt Col) Coburn. He flew for the AF as a C-17 pilot and then moved onto the United Airline world and right now due to the economy is working in Doss Land. He’s also D flight commander and known for being a total hard ass in the airplane. He’s the exact kind of IP that I like and do well with. My first IP was great but I felt that if I stayed with him I may not be totally prepared for my check ride. I soon was switched over to Mr. Coburn and requested to keep him due to his incredibly high standards for his students. He’s also a check IP so I know when the time comes I’ll be more than ready for my check ride. He and I get along really well and I can tell I’m pushing myself to meet his expectations and becoming a better pilot from it. I’ve also had a blast getting to know some of my fellow classmates better. It’s amazing that I can go to school for 4 years with a lot of these people and be only really getting to know them now. So it’s time for some shoutouts!
To my girl K Schuler! Thanks for all the weekend pictures and for being an awesome rock climbing instructor! I think you may have hooked me lol.
Katie my single friend! lol What up!!
Sky V! My big brother, you are probably the biggest reason that I have had so much fun at IFS and the reason that my music library has doubled its size in a three week time period! Good times also with Teresa and Blackwood. CQ and triangle of trust! PS our handshake is BOMB!
Sky after his first double turn
P Sherman! You are the man bro! Remember there’s 2 O’s in Goose. And I guess we’ve proven that we can still be friends even if our dad’s come from opposing communities (who really needs two engines when you can do everything with one!) Diamond and triangle of trust!
Kris REALLY enjoying that cupcake
Charlie! Timing is EVERYTHING! Thanks for being such an awesome honorary instructor and for being so understanding with me. I’m going to miss you and am sad that you’re going to Shepp and not Vance but I guess that means that a weekend get together in OKC needs to be planned so I can catch up with you and the rest of the Shepp gang and Guard guys! Seeya!
Coolest chairflying instructor student combo ever!
Brandon and Erin! Little brother and sister! Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to hang with me. Even if we did nerd it up for a study date! Haha and Brandon I’m miss our sushi dates and am glad we got one in while I was around, even if they did give our order to the Asian Annie!
Erin rocking that white girl style of hers!
While Brandon keeps it classy!

Okay this has been dragged out long enough. Until next time my mom instructs me to make an update about life! lol LOVE YOU MOMMA! =)