Saturday, October 29, 2011

Pilot Training = Parties

So I’ve come to the conclusion that pilot training = parties.  I haven’t even started UPT and already it seems as if every weekend there is another party.  For all of you responsible parental types out there, do not fear, in the past two weekends that I’ve been home, I was the DD last week for my “older brother” Mychol’s track select and I was DD for Caleb’s party last night.  I’ve found that though it is fun to drink and have a great time with my friends, I also like being the responsible one and making sure everyone else is taken care of.  Plus it’s nice for Greg and I because we usually decide who is drinking that night and who is staying sober and then we always know that we’ll be able to get back home and get our friends safety back home as well! Caleb’s party last night was especially cool though because we used the beer pong table that Greg has been designing/working on for the last two months. It turned out really really cool and everyone seemed to really like it. Below is the design sketch that Greg drew and is how the table looks as well as an awesome picture of me and Kris in his lederhosen costume!

The bottom quote reads
"To Most People The Sky Is The Limit, To A Pilot The Sky Is Home"

Me and My German Friend Kris!

As for an update as to when I will actually start UPT. The word right now is that I’ll be in 13-05 which starts in the end of January.  There was talk about me moving into December’s class but ASPC is trying to cut down on class sizes so it looks like I’ll stay slotted for January. So that means that I’ve got time to hit the books early.  I’m following 12-02 in their academics so I’ll be prepared when I enter those first couple of fun months in a classroom, and I’ve also started to look at some of the pubs for the T-6 so that I’ll be prepared when we actually hit the flightline and start to fly.  I’m just excited about finally starting and getting to do what I love everyday as a career, how sweet is that!?

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Tazer has grown so much! I miss when he was so small and clumsy that he just fell all over himself on the floor, now he loves to run all over the house and chase things. Since I was away for a few weeks I feel that I have some updating to do about this little guy.

Age: 4 months
Favorite Toys: Stuffed Dog, Stuffed Duck, Rawhides
Hobbies: Chasing leaves, watching things outside the window, sticks, following Courtney and Greg around the house, playing with toys, sticks, eating food, begging for food, sticks, attacking the sprinkler, tummy scratches sticks and napping.
Favorite Foods: Ice Cubes, frozen peaches, apples, wine (thanks Hunter) spinach, ....anything
Things he does not enjoy: Kennel, car rides, being left alone

 The day that we brought him home

Tazer's favorite hiding place when he could fit... he's grown too big now to crawl under there

I think we've created a couch monster....

What he does when he's mad and doesn't want to be in his kennel

                                                                       In timeout in the kennel

Enjoying his first taste of wine (thanks to Uncle Hunter)

 Most importantly ..... Napping


Monday, October 17, 2011

Doss ...Check!

Katana on a stick! What up!? 

Well IFS is over and I’m finally home.  It’s funny, IFS gets such a bad rap about being so horrible and that people hate it there and all you hear about is that it has no windows in the rooms, which is true. However, I LOVED that place.  And secretly, I was really really sad to leave. Now some of you out there are shaking your head at me and asking why.  Well, let me tell you.  It’s like any place the Air Force sends you; it’s not where you’re at, but who you’re with.  The people ALWAYS make the place! I was with probably some of the most top notch people out there, being taught by some of the most top notch instructors, and surrounded by even more top notch people.  You get that many awesome people in one place and add in the coolest thing in the world (flying), there is NO WAY you can have a bad time.

Overall IFS turned out really well for me.  I soloed last Tuesday the 11th at Fort Carson Army Airfield aka Butts. It was awesome and for all those c/o 2011 nerds out there my call sign was Tiger 11 Solo! It took everything inside me not to say Olds! after every radio call I made! (For all of you out there that don’t get the joke, Gen Robin Olds was the exemplar for the Academy class of 2011, so if ever we heard the number 11 we would immediately respond to it by saying Olds! In memory of Gen Olds). Here’s some pictures of that awesome day. 
Solo in the Mighty Katana!

My awesome IP Mr. Coburn and I after my solo
The next day was my pre-check where I flew with an awesome man named Col (ret) Lee Hall whom was a viper pilot around the same time my dad was and though Col Hall and my dad never crossed paths, they do have a good amount of mutual friends from the Viper community. Thursday was my check ride. It went really well and was a great way to start out the first of many active duty check rides.   
Another cool occurrence that happened while at Doss was the fantastic four was once again reunited! For all of you not familiar with the fantastic four, Kyle, John Travis and I all started high school together, split up and then reunited at USAFA and then now were all in pilot training (Kyle, John and I are at Vance, while Travis is at Sheppard). So we once again are reunited at the beginning of our flying careers, so here’s the documented proof of it!

I spent Friday out processing from Doss and down in my old stomping grounds at USAFA doing what I do best… meetings!  I met with my old boss, the Permanent Professor of the Center for Character and Leadership Development, Col Sanders (yes go ahead and laugh if you haven’t already at the name) and we talked about what the CCLD was up to and also about a fellows program that I’m helping develop for the Center.  We also discussed the possibility of me doing some research about the realm of transformational  leadership in the active duty flying world since it’s one more initially based on personal leadership than that of leading others.  (If you have thoughts on this I would love to hear them).  
Saturday was the day of driving back to good ol’ Oklahoma, it was three girls in two cars and if I were you I would’ve pulled off the road if I saw us coming bc we weren’t driving fast, we were flying low!  It was a sure a sight to see. I promise mom we were safe though… most of the time ;)  It’s really nice to be home with the boys.  Tazer has grown a bunch and I’m probably going to be posting a blog really soon about him and probably another about our house since I haven’t actually posted pictures yet and my Mom keeps bugging me about that. J Until then, here are some awesome end of IFS shots for you with me and my brother-equivalent Sky! Seeya!
  From Gliders to Katanas!
Ya we’re nerds J

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Just for you Mom! =)

My Mom got on me about not doing an update in a awhile so here it is!

IFS is FLYING by (haha get it?).  We just completed our third week (second week of flying) and it looks like next week will be my last week.  We started out the first flying week with 0720 morning briefs, that got pushed forward to 0610 last week and next week we have 0500 morning briefs… it’s going to be a long week. However, we have Monday off as a holiday for Columbus Day so that leaves one less day to wake up in the 0400 hour.  As of right now the schedule is to solo on Tuesday, Pre-check Wednesday, Check Thursday and head out of CO Friday morning!

I’ve had a total blast at IFS.  I’m not going to lie, I probably should have buckled down a little bit more than I did, but as one of my good friends told me when I got to IFS, it’s all about passing, and this is the last time that I won’t be competing in the flying community so I better enjoy that and not stress myself out too much. And I don’t mean to be boastful,  but I took that to heart since I haven’t really stressed that much since I’ve been here and I’ve been usually preforming at an above average level on all my flights.

I’ve also met some AWESOME people while I’ve been here.  The first is my instructor, Mr. (Lt Col) Coburn. He flew for the AF as a C-17 pilot and then moved onto the United Airline world and right now due to the economy is working in Doss Land.  He’s also D flight commander and known for being a total hard ass in the airplane.  He’s the exact kind of IP that I like and do well with.  My first IP was great but I felt that if I stayed with him I may not be totally prepared for my check ride.  I soon was switched over to Mr. Coburn and requested to keep him due to his incredibly high standards for his students.  He’s also a check IP so I know when the time comes I’ll be more than ready for my check ride.  He and I get along really well and I can tell I’m pushing myself to meet his expectations and becoming a better pilot from it. I’ve also had a blast getting to know some of my fellow classmates better.  It’s amazing that I can go to school for 4 years with a lot of these people and be only really getting to know them now.  So it’s time for some shoutouts!

To my girl K Schuler! Thanks for all the weekend pictures and for being an awesome rock climbing instructor! I think you may have hooked me lol.
Katie my single friend! lol What up!!
Sky V! My big brother, you are probably the biggest reason that I have had so much fun at IFS and the reason that my music library has doubled its size in a three week time period!  Good times also with Teresa and Blackwood. CQ and triangle of trust!  PS our handshake is BOMB!
Sky after his first double turn

P Sherman! You are the man bro! Remember there’s 2 O’s in Goose. And I guess we’ve proven that we can still be friends even if our dad’s come from opposing communities (who really needs two engines when you can do everything with one!) Diamond and triangle of trust!
Kris REALLY enjoying that cupcake

Charlie! Timing is EVERYTHING! Thanks for being such an awesome honorary instructor and for being so understanding with me.  I’m going to miss you and am sad that you’re going to Shepp and not Vance but I guess that means that a weekend get together in OKC needs to be planned so I can catch up with you and the rest of the Shepp gang and Guard guys!  Seeya!
Coolest chairflying instructor student combo ever!

Brandon and Erin! Little brother and sister! Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedules to hang with me.  Even if we did nerd it up for a study date! Haha and Brandon I’m miss our sushi dates and am glad we got one in while I was around, even if they did give our order to the Asian Annie! 
 Erin rocking that white girl style of hers!

While Brandon keeps it classy!

Okay this has been dragged out long enough. Until next time my mom instructs me to make an update about life! lol LOVE YOU MOMMA! =)