Well, I start pilot training in 2 months and though that may seem like a long time to some, it’s not that long to me. There’s a lot of preparation that goes into beginning UPT: checklist to complete, uniforms to pick up and fit, getting a head start on reading over academics and pubs, and finally just getting my mind right to start out this next phase.
It has me thinking a lot about how lucky I am to actually be beginning something that I’ve been dreaming about since I was 6 years old. It’s almost Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. I’m blessed to have an amazing husband by my side (who just got hired on as a cop in a nearby town!)
And a great little puppy that keeps Greg and I on our toes and laughing all the time!
A wonderful family who supports us and loves us. Amazing friends both near and far that we can always count on in good times and bad. Wonderful mentors who are irreplaceable in my life. A beautiful home to live in (yes I still need to get around to posting pictures, I’m sorry). And some guardian angels whom I miss dearly but are always with me.
Speaking of my guardian angels. Starting pilot training has also had me thinking a lot lately about my dad. I cannot believe it’s going to be 20 years this December that he’s been gone. It makes me wonder what my life would have been like if he was alive. Would I have gone to the Academy? Would I still love to fly as much as I do? When I decided I wanted to be a pilot and join the Air Force a lot of people asked me if it was because I was trying to follow in my Dad’s footsteps and do what he did. I can truthfully say yes, that was a major part in my motivation to be a pilot. A lot had to do with me searching out things that he loved and that I love now, so I could share them with him. That’s how I’ve always felt close to him. I haven’t exactly followed in his footsteps though. I didn’t go ROTC at SDSU (though, I thought about it, who wouldn’t love to be a beach bum through college!?) And I didn’t end up going to Laughlin (Though it was right after Vance on my UPT wish list). However, I am still going to push for T-38’s and F-16’s and yes, I would like to follow in his footsteps and be Distinguished Graduate of my UPT class if at all able. Most of all, I would really just love to sit down and have a conversation with him. Ask him what pilot training was like for him and how he did what he did there. I would want to know what he thought of me, if he was proud of me, and if he supported my decision to do what I’m doing now. I can take some pretty well educated guesses about what he would say to all of this, but it would really just be nice to hear it actually from him. I guess someday when we meet again, I’ll get all my questions answered. But for now, I’m grateful to have him with me as a permanent co-pilot.